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HHS Provider Relief Funds Reporting Requirements
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Provider Relief Funds (PRF) Reporting Requirements
On June 11, 2021, HHS announced reporting requirements for providers who received $10,000 or more in any of the four rounds that PRF were granted. There are key categories of information that will be required along with timelines to report the information needed. Reporting will be done via a secure portal through HHS. HHS also plans to release a worksheet to help gather the information.
Important Dates
Each of the four rounds of PRF have specific dates that the funds need to be used by, as well as the corresponding timeframe to fulfill your reporting requirements. The below chart has the applicable due dates:
Qualified Expenses or Uses for Funds
It is important to have accurate records and receipts on file for the use of funds received from the PRF. If all funds were not used by the deadline for using those qualified funds, funds can be returned to HHS. The qualified uses for the funds are listed below.
Mortgage/Rent: Payments related to mortgage or rent for a facility.
Insurance: Premiums paid for property, malpractice, business insurance or other insurance relevant to operations.
Personnel: Workforce-related actual expenses paid to prevent, prepare for or respond to Coronavirus during the reporting period, such as workforce training, staffing, temporary employee or contractor payroll, overhead employees, or security personnel.
Fringe Benefits: Extra benefits supplementing an employee’s salary, which may include hazard pay, travel reimbursement and employee health insurance.
Lease Payments: New equipment or software leases, such as fleet cars and medical equipment that is not purchased and will be returned to the owner.
Utilities/Operations: Lighting, cooling/ventilation, cleaning or additional third-party vendor services not included in the “Personnel” sub-category.
Other General and Administrative Expenses: Expenses not captured above that are generally considered part of general and administrative expenses.
Supplies: Expenses paid for purchase of supplies (e.g., single use or reusable patient care devices, cleaning supplies, office supplies, etc.) used to prevent, prepare for and/or respond to Coronavirus during the reporting period. Such items may include PPE, hand sanitizer, supplies for patient screening or vaccination administration materials.
Equipment: Expenses paid for purchase of equipment, such as ventilators, refrigeration systems for COVID-19 vaccines or updates to HVAC systems.
Information Technology (IT): Expenses paid for IT or interoperability systems to expand or preserve Coronavirus care delivery during the reporting period, such as electronic health record licensing fees, telehealth infrastructure, increased bandwidth and teleworking to support remote workforce.
Facilities: Expenses such as lease or purchase of permanent or temporary structures, or to retrofit facilities to accommodate revised patient treatment practices, used to prevent, prepare for and/or respond to Coronavirus during the reporting period.
Other Health Care-Related Expenses: Expenses, not previously captured above, that were paid to prevent, prepare for and/or respond to Coronavirus.
Lost Revenue: Lost revenue is also considered a use for the PRF. This will require much more information to quantify. If you intend to claim the use of funds for lost revenue, please contact us for the additional reporting requirement.
Other Important Information Needed
Aside from showing proper use of funds, HHS is requiring additional information be gathered for each reporting period you received more than $10,000 in Provider Relief Funds.
Other Coronavirus Assistance Received: The application will require each business to disclose any additional assistance received during the period that eligible expenses could be use that was targeted for Coronavirus relief. Examples of relief required for the HHS reporting include:
SBA or Department of Treasury Loans/Grants/Advances: Amounts received for the Paycheck Protection Program, Economic Injury Disaster Loans or Advances or other assistance provided through these agencies.
FEMA Assistance: Any Coronavirus-related aid provided through FEMA.
HHS Cares Act Testing: Any funds received from HHS for Coronavirus-related testing.
Local, State or Tribal Assistances: Any funds, including grants and loans, provided at the local, state or tribal level.
Insurance Assistance: Any amounts received from insurance policies to cover lost revenues.
Other Assistance: Any other federal, state, local or tribal assistance received for Coronavirus-related reasons.
Personnel, Patient and Facility Metrics: Reporting will be required for the following personnel, patient and facility metrics by quarter for CY 2019 through the current period of availability.
Personnel Metrics: Total number of clinical and non-clinical personnel by labor category (full-time, part-time, contract, furloughed, separated, hired).
Patient Metrics: Total number of inpatient admissions, outpatient visits (in-person and virtual), emergency department visits and facility stays (for long-term and short-term residential facilities).
Facility Metrics: Total number of staffed beds for medical/surgical, critical care and other.
Interest Earned on PRF: If relief funds were deposited into and held in an interest-bearing account, the dollar amount of interest earned will be required to be reported.